Ég heiti Hlynur og er stjórnmálahagfræðingur að mennt. Ég starfa sem sérfræðingur í gagnavísindum hjá Gagnaþjónustu Reykjavíkur.
Að vísu á ensku í augnablikinu
Data scientist, R-developer and economist working within the Department of Taxation. My work focuses on revenue forecasting via microsimulation and machine learning in R and SQL.
I’m also the creator and maintainer of some pretty neat things, such as the Ministry’s Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model and the Ministry’s internal R package, as well as some rather fancy R-Shiny dashboards and interactive reports.
In February of 2015 I started an 8-month, paid graduate-level internship at the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI). During that time I worked on some wonderfully diverse tasks; economic analysis, tax modeling, and web analytics to name a few.
Upon graduation I returned to SI as a Data Analyst within the division of High-tech and IP-intensive industries. As an analyst my job was to work with member organizations - where ‘the domain specific knowledge lived’ - and further translate that knowledge into actionable insights through collecting, aggregating and analyzing data, as well as communicating those insights to stakeholders through reports and briefing notes.
Ég er með netkúrsafíkn. Hér eru nokkur af þeim 40+ skírteinum sem ég hef lokið við.
Hitt og þetta
Lítil reiknivél sem sló í gegn á netinu
Mælaborð forritað í Shiny í R